Truth Attack cannot succeed in restoring our Constitutionally limited federal government unless it has both of two essential resources: People and funding.
You can help with both. Enlisting as a Truth Trooper is free and allows you to meet up with other Truth Troopers in your area, forming a powerful and effective strike force for TA's many exciting and rewarding projects.
But we also need funding in order to make those projects happen. If you wish to send a check or money order please send it to:

Pre-Induction Physical Exam
Still considering becoming a non-filer? Before you make that decision and crawl into the its cave you should first make sure you are fit for one-on-one combat with the beast.
First, it is important to know the rules of engagement. In the cave the beast makes the rules, the beast defines "reality", calls what is fair and foul, who is safe and out and it owns the scoreboard. If you do battle in the cave, you cannot win. Thus the only way to win is to wrestle the fight out of the cave and into a courtroom with a jury calling the game, and that means going "all in", risking everything. A decision like that requires and deserves some serious thought.
Before anyone can decide whether to do singular battle with the beast he needs to give himself a pre-induction physical. He has to weigh the damage he can do to the beast from outside the cave by engaging in risk-free activities against the risk of actually serving the beast as a head on its lance to use to frighten the peasants. He has to make an objective appraisal of his strengths and weaknesses, of the risks taken and the return he can expect to gain.
1. Does he have a firm and thorough grasp of the law?
Not articles, not seminars, books, videos or lectures, but the law itself, primary sources only: Statutes, Regulations, Supreme Court Cases--without anyone else's spin or interpretation, and including an understanding of the phony counter-arguments and what makes them phony. If not, then he is not equipped with the knowledge he must have to serve in personal combat.
2. Does he have the communication skills to convince a jury?
Not all of us are able to articulate our beliefs and our knowledge to others clearly. And not many of us are able to do so in a manner that the jury will understand and see them as believable, especially when that jury "knows" and has always "known" the exact opposite was "true". If not, then he is not qualified to engage in one on one combat with the beast.
3. Does he have the nerve to stand the ordeal--the stomach for litigation?
Not many do. They think that they do. They fantasize about being a courtroom wizard, but do they really have what it takes to stand toe to toe with a seasoned prosecutor and stand their ground? Does he have the ability to think not only on his feet, but on the run and under fire? To avoid being rattled and lose his train of thought-control of the situation?
4. Does he have the resources or access to the resources it will take to win?
And this means a lot more than money (and plenty of it). He has to have the energy to spend hundreds of hours honing and polishing his knowledge and his presentation. He has to have qualified and experienced attorneys who know the terrain and can guide him to the target-an acquittal. He has to have the theatrical skills to put himself across. He has to have support to allow him to do all of these things without the distractions of everyday life.
5. Is he willing to accept the consequences of failure?
One should never bet money he does not have or gamble what he is not willing to lose. If he does, he is, in poker terms, playing with "scared money" and scared money is "dead money". If he is not willing to go to prison, to lose everything he has or ever will have, then he is not qualified to engage in singular combat with the beast. The jury will sense his fear, but they will interpret it as guilt.
So, how did your pre-induction physical turn out? Are you up to engaging the fangs and talons of the beast? Or are you better suited to attack its lies and myths where it cannot fight back? Where can you do the greatest good? As one who shines the light of Truth or as a potential head on the beast's lance?
One final note: The paratrooper is an indispensible factor in winning a war, but not the only indispensible factor. What about the fellow who folded his chute?
Send This To Your Editor
Dear Editor:
It seems that Congress is always able to surpass its previous level of either chicanery or stupidity. Either our representatives are making a wedding gift commemorating the unholy marriage between big money and big government or someone needs to hand it a sign saying "I'm Stupid!"
The recent hand over fist outpourings of Americans' money to lenders and others have already exceeded a trillion dollars and now they are considering dishing out as much again to everyone except those who need relief. The current crisis is that people are losing their homes and people are losing their jobs, making the purchase of goods and services beyond their reach which leads to more people losing their jobs and unable to pay for their homes. So, why are they giving the people's money to banksters and corporations that can afford to hand out 100+ million dollar bonuses to CEO's who have managed to fail their companies into government bestowed prosperity? Give them their signs.
Congress needs to put the water on the fire, not on the arsonists. One simple move could regenerate and stimulate our economy without writing a single check and would cost less than half in reduced revenues of what they have handed out and are proposing to hand out. It couldn't be simpler or more obvious: Suspend the collection and withholding of personal income tax, effective immediately. For no more than the initial $800,000,000,000 "bail out" to lenders and less than the current proposed "stymie us" plan, additional (and earned) revenues can be instantly injected into millions of working households across the country.
No check writing, no administration, no weighing and balancing of requests and, most importantly, no printing (and borrowing) more phony dollar bills to further dilute the buying power of working and struggling American families. Just distribution would be self-effecting because not one dollar would go to anyone who had not already earned it. The impact would be felt on the first payday following the suspension. What would those earned dollars do for those in distress as opposed to giving truckloads of the money they've earned to corporate and political cronies? What effect would that have on local, state and national economies? People who are struggling to avoid foreclosure on their homes may be able to save them (Wasn't that the problem?).
The economic boom would create the need for more workers to meet the increased demand for goods and services--people go back to work. The boom would also generate a spike in local and state tax revenues, allowing them to reduce their dependency on federal grants. Isn't being independent a good thing? Isn't saving federal grant money a good thing? Give 'em their sign.What would happen to the revenues the federal government receives (already accounting for 70% of revenues) on its scores of other taxes? Does the current "stymie us" plan automatically pay itself back in other revenues? Give 'em their sign.
Everyone needs to tell Congress to wise up, remove their "I'm Stupid!" signs and do what is best for America, its States and, above all, the people it is supposed to be serving. Suspend the collection and withholding of personal income taxes effective immediately.
Real Stimulus Letter
Real Stimulus Letter
Dear Senator _______ (or Congressman ________):
I am alarmed and angered by the nonchalant manner in which Congress has been doling out our money, even if it is phony money, FRN scrip, to "help" big business. You don’t put a fire out by rewarding the arsonist.
If you want to solve the problem with the economy, then get out of the way and let us take care of it. Suspend the illicit withholding and collection of the personal income tax from working American families, effective immediately. Just one year's suspension would be enough.
The advantages of leaving money instead of taking and giving money are apparent even to the least economically savvy citizen, so how can it escape you, unless your objective is something other than to do what is best for your nation, your State and your constituents. Is it?
- Put the water on the fire, not on the arsonist.
- The “cost” would be interest free, requiring no borrowing, and well below one Trillion dollars, a fraction of the hand-outs you are making or proposing to businesses and state and local governments, and would repay itself in increased revenues from other taxes.
- Federal revenues from the scores of other federal taxes would SOAR, recouping more than all revenue lost by suspending the illicit imposition of the income tax on working American families—JFK proved it, Ronald Reagan proved it and even George W. Bush proved that any cut in income tax results in an even greater increase in revenues from other taxes. (You didn't think the increased revenues were from the decreased income tax, did you?)
- No additional FRN’s would have to be printed, eliminating the inflationary effect of printing (and borrowing) more to reward failed policies and bad judgment.
- Stopping the weekly and monthly 20-30% rake off the top of every State’s economy, leaving that money to continue to build wealth and circulate in the economies that matter—ours—would allow those economies to prosper as they should (How long could you give a pint of blood every week?).
- Leaving earnings in the families that earned them will, without any expenditure, inject funds where they are most needed, permitting many to pay their house notes with their own money and reducing the foreclosures that are resulting from bad government policy.
- Since working families would be able to pay for more goods and services, unemployment would not only be reduced, it would be eliminated in months, not years or decades, andthe current Great Recession and its stagflation would be over.
- Eliminating the 40% penalty the personal income tax imposes on employers for hiring Americans, American labor would again become competitive in the world market, bringing many of the job's Congress has driven out of the country back home where they belong.
- Local, state and national economies would BOOM as a result of the weekly increases in household revenues across the country.
- Local and state tax revenues would SOAR as a result of the economic boom, permitting the States to operate without federal assistance. (You do want our States to be independent, don’t you?)
- Americans will be able to enjoy the standard of living they have earned by exercising their God-given, Constitutionally protected, tax exempt right to earn a living for themselves and their families.
You know these points are all true. The personal income tax makes about as much sense as picking all the apple blossoms and then wondering why the tree isn't producing apples.
Where are your priorities? With the people who elected you? With the State you represent? With the nation you are supposed to be serving? Or somewhere (or worse, someone) else? Is your "party" more important than your country? Is having a population that fears its government more important than having a prosperous nation?
Please introduce a bill to suspend collection and withholding of the personal income tax, effective immediately, and press it to passage. I, for one, pledge you my vocal and energetic support for such a bill.
Respectfully, but conditionally, yours,
Your name
Radio Talk Shows
Calling in the Question - The Double-Dog Dare
You have local talk shows in your town, so be a caller who asks about Truth Attack, giving the web site-then dare them to have Tom Cryer or Joe Banister or Devvy Kidd on as a guest, we'll give you everything you need to arrange the interview.
Talk radio is an open forum that takes only a few minutes and costs nothing to use, but we don't take advantage of it. A PR bird nest on the ground. Pick up the phone-call in.
Prepare for your call first, then call:
If you feel comfortable explaining the issues, fine, do so, but if not then play dumb. Ask the host if he knows anything about a group called Truth Attack and the Tax Honesty Movement. Tell him you've been reading information at (be sure you give the correct web site url) saying the IRS is lying to us about who owes income taxes.
How to respond to hosts response:
If he responds in the typical knee-jerk way, scoffing or ridiculing, ask him if he's ever read the Internal Revenue Code and if he says "No" say the people at Truth Attack dot Org (say the web site url again) have, so how can he be so sure about what he thinks the law probably says?
If he responds with government has to have taxes to operate, flip your flyer over and give him the list of how wonderful it would be for both us and the government without the income tax. Ask him why the government would insist on an income tax when it would receive more revenues without it?
If he responds with any interest, asking you questions, that is your cue to recommend that he get Tom Cryer, Joe Banister or Devvy Kidd on his show to explain it better than you can. All three are more than happy to grant interviews and will be able to answer any and all questions or rebuttals he can come up with.
Have some fun, get to talk on the radio and wake up a few thousand Americans, all at the same time!
If you have a group (more below on forming a group) make up a "tag team".
Plan your call ahead with your group. Agree on which day and which show you are going to call and make sure everyone has their talking points in writing. Decide on who is going to start the fire and then everyone else can pile on as a gasoline bucket brigade, calling in and verifying what the same caller said, backing him up.
The show's call screener may, after a couple of calls, try to screen any follow-up calls, so if that happens call the others in the team and let them know you're being cut off. Follow-ups can then say they're calling about something else, like a previous caller's issue to make it relevant to that show, and after making a comment about the stated issue, add "And, oh, by the way, that guy/gal that called in about Truth Attack dot org was right, and you should check it out."
YOU can be a CAUSE by placing a simple phone call. When thousands hear the truth the EFFECT of that will never go away, because once the Truth is out the IRS's myths and lies evaporate like fog under a hot sun. Stop living in the fog-rise above it and BE the SUNBEAM that melts it away!