Book & DVD Combo Pack
Piercing the Illusion
By John Kotmair. Deals with the whys and wherefores of the dwindling of American Individual Liberties. It sets straight the widespread misconceptions of what Freedom really is. It leads the reader through American history, revealing facts that are not taught in the established version of history to which our children are subjected. It exposes beyond a shadow of a doubt how Americans have been enslaved and don't even realize it. It names the individuals and presents irrefutable evidence of their treasonous acts. It reveals how America is 180 degrees from the purpose of its founding.
The Truth Behind The Income Tax
Two-hour introduction to the basic issues revolving around the income tax. Learn about the nature of currency, and how employees of the Treasury Department, IRS, SSA, and other government agencies routinely misapply and subvert the law. DVD only.
Just The Facts six part series
Groundbreaking 12-hour video course details the limits of IRS authority and proper application of the tax laws. A masterpiece of research, this set of tapes goes into painstaking detail using the IRS code, regulations, and manual. Six parts on 3 DVD's.